DISC Training



This training was tailored for the company senior management specially. We hired experienced training teachers to teach us. Through the analysis and introduction of four different personality of the DISC (D/ dominant, I/ influential, S/ supportive, and C/ cautious), it explained that one should not try to change the others on the work, but should influence the others in a way acceptable to the others and actively contribute to problem solving.


There is a wide range of DISC applications that require learning to be applied to the DISC in daily life and work, creating relationships and successful links as well as facilitating events. Make a conscious effort to increase your interpersonal sensitivity and be a beacon to your peers.


DISC brief introduction: DISC theory was raised by Dr. William Muston, America, a convenient tool that allow you to understand how people think, feel and act in different contexts.

According to the theory, human personality is divided into four traits: type D (commanding, natural leader), type I (influential, happy angel), type S (steady, harmonious messenger), and type C (rigorous, thinking giant). Each person’s personality is a combination of these four traits.

Each person's personality type is different, so are the problems in communication at work. Then, after learning the tool of personality analysis, we can understand our own strengths and limitations through this tool, gain insight into other people's thinking and action patterns that are different from yourself, and adopt targeted strategies and methods to improve yourself communication ability, so as to achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, and ultimately improve team cohesion and management efficiency.
